Applications to primary schools are co-ordinated by e-admissions via Westminster City Council. You need to apply between September and January in the year before your child is due to start. We will give you the details and information booklet as soon as the Council send them to us. Please ask for help if you have trouble applying or need access to a computer.
When you are offered a school place, you will be invited to send your child to the reception class in the September after their 4th birthday. You have the right to defer take-up of the place until January or Easter and the school must keep the place for your child. Children’s development is individual and many children will benefit from a longer time in nursery, particularly summer born children. Please discuss this with us.
Some of you may wish to send your child to an independent school, they may request a report from us as part of their selection process. We will provide this for them under the following terms: